Why Dance by Left On High

Released 2-4-2024

What fans the flames

Inside our hearts

What makes freedom ring

What makes romance

What makes it sting

Why are the sands

That mark this time what changes everything

Why do we dance

Why do we dance

Caught between

Pure ecstasy and trance

What makes you dance

Deep inside our minds

That river winds

From our soul and out our spine

It’s from before we’re born

After we die

Awakened dream

Soaked in sublime

Why do we dance

What makes you dance

Why do we dance

What makes you dance

Inside hearts and minds

That river winds

From our soul and out our spine

It’s from before we’re born

After we die

Awakened dream soaked in sublime

Why do we dance

Why do we dance

What’s inside your soul it takes control

Time may take its toll

This don’t care if you are young or old 

Stream Why Dance

Why Dance is available on all streaming platforms. 

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